Tuesday, September 16, 2008

more stuff...lol Ü

well it hasnt been that long since my last entry..amazing huh? lol

ok lets get to it......
here's a hot i did for one of my lists.
looks great hanging on the wall. Ü
here is a barbie i did for the same list.
here is a "shopping tote" i made from a pattern i recieved at my crochet meeting at the library.
wow this went relatively well tonight. very fast infact...lol the night is filled with lots of amazment....hehehe!
i have other stuff to add, but we'll safe it for now...lol

Thursday, September 04, 2008

shawls and a purse Ü

WOW! i can't believe its been so long since my last post.

i am adding a few things here, at least 3.

we had a shawl workshop on one of the lists i'm on. there were 3 to choose from, i made 2 of them...lol.

this one is called half moon,

i forgot the name of this one. Ü

there was also a list of purses to do, here is #1.

i have a few more things i want to add, but i haven't taken pics of them
yet . Ü